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First Trailer for How Do You Know

Sony has released the first trailer for the James L. Brooks-directed comedic drama How Do You Know [HDYKN].  Reese Witherspoon [RWITH] stars as a woman (though not revealed in the trailer, a softball player) who is caught in a love traingle between her current boyfriend, Owen Wilson [OWILS] as a baseball player for the Washington Nationals, and her old flame, Paul Rudd [PRUDD] in his usual role as the straight man suffering from a life crisis.  Jack Nicholson [JNICH], who won an Oscar for Best Actor in Brooks' As Good As It Gets, co-stars in what looks like another adult comedy about quirky people having quirky relationships.



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By Antibody on Thursday, August 12, 2010 @ 03:29 PM 2410 views

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New York Will Eat You Alive aka (ZMBRO) 149999 1.96 (+0.06)          Owen Teague (OTEAG) 24 29.39 (+0.01)          Jamie Foxx (JFOXX) 24999 68.49 (+0.24)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 2024 18.31 (-0.79)          Kingdom of the Planet of the Ape (APES4.BW) 25000 7.67 (+0.07)          Take My Hand (TAKMH) 150000 1.40 (+0.02)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 9.12 (+0.67)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 9.12 (+0.67)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 50000 17.69 (+0.79)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 42.03 (-0.64)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 150000 42.03 (-0.64)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 150000 18.31 (-0.79)          The Roses (TROSE) 100000 21.33 (-0.76)          The Roses (TROSE) 150000 21.33 (-0.76)          The Roses (TROSE) 150000 21.33 (-0.76)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 150000 12.36 (+0.84)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 150000 12.36 (+0.84)          Kingdom of the Planet of the Ape (APES4.BW) 25000 7.67 (+0.07)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 75000 4.20 (+0.49)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 75000 9.12 (+0.67)          Ghost of Tsushima (GOTSU) 74999 23.48 (-0.15)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 149999 12.36 (+0.84)          Above The Below (ABELW) 149999 11.24 (-0.08)          Babygirl (BBGRL) 149999 13.46 (+0.75)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 9.12 (+0.67)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 9.12 (+0.67)          Dance First (DNCFS) 5000 1.53 (0.00)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 17.69 (+0.79)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 17.69 (+0.79)          The Roses (TROSE) 149999 21.33 (-0.76)          The Roses (TROSE) 149999 21.33 (-0.76)          Exhibiting Forgiveness (XHBTF) 149999 2.22 (+0.05)          Exhibiting Forgiveness (XHBTF) 150000 2.22 (+0.05)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 149999 17.69 (+0.79)          The Roses (TROSE) 149999 21.33 (-0.76)          Verona's Romeo and Juliet (VERAJ) 150000 17.69 (+0.79)          Juror No. 2 (JUROR) 150000 22.49 (-0.10)          New York Will Eat You Alive aka (ZMBRO) 149999 1.96 (+0.06)          New York Will Eat You Alive aka (ZMBRO) 150000 1.96 (+0.06)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 149999 42.03 (-0.64)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 149999 18.31 (-0.79)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 149999 4.20 (+0.49)          Just Cause (JCAUS) 150000 4.20 (+0.49)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 149999 18.31 (-0.79)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 149999 9.12 (+0.67)          Power Ballad (PWRBL) 150000 9.12 (+0.67)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 149999 12.36 (+0.84)          Easy's Waltz (EWLTZ) 150000 12.36 (+0.84)          Clue (CLUE) 149999 17.60 (+0.68)          Clue (CLUE) 150000 17.60 (+0.68)