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First trailer for Inside Llewyn Davis

A promotional trailer for the Coen Brothers-directed musical drama Inside Llewyn Davis [INSLD] has been "leaked" online by its producers.  The film is set in New York City of the 1960s and loosely based on the life of folk musician Dave Van Ronk.  Oscar Isaac [OISAA], who displayed his vocal chops in the little seen 10 Years, leads the impressive cast that includes Carey Mulligan [CMULL], Justin Timberlake [JTIMB], Garrett Hedlund [GHEDL] and John Goodman[JGOOD].  The film looks to be a low-key, change-of-pace for Joel and Ethan Coen [COEN].  Currently without U.S. distribution, Inside Llewyn Davis will likely debut at an upcoming internationl film festival.


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By Antibody on Thursday, January 24, 2013 @ 10:00 AM 2711 views

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