During the first annual D23 Expo, Disney announced to the fans in attendance target release dates for some of their upcoming movies. The stop-motion animated Frankenweenie [FRNKW] from Tim Burton [TBURT] is slated to hit theaters in 2011. The fourth Pirates of the Caribbean [PIRT4] looks to wash ashore during Summer 2011 under the new subtitle "On Stranger Tides". Interestingly, that name is also the title of a fantasy novel by Tim Powers about pirates, voodoo and Fountain of Youth. Although John Carter of Mars [OMARS] will begin production shortly, the live-action sci-fi feature won't reach theaters until Summer 2012.
Disney also announced a new production label called Double Dare You (DDY) in collaboration with filmmaker Guillermo del Toro [GDELT]. The shingle will create animated films full of chills and thrills for audiences of all ages.