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First trailer for Ted 2

Universal has unveiled the first trailer for the raunchy comedy sequel Ted 2 [TED2].  Writer-director Seth MacFarlane [SMACF] returns as the voice of the talking teddy bear who needs to be prove his humanity before he can become a father.  Mark Wahlberg [MWAHL] returns as his best buddy and the potential sperm donor for Ted's child. Amanda Seyfried [ASEYF] joins the cast as Mila Kunis is nowhere in sight without any explanation.   Ted 2 opens in theaters on June 26th.



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By Antibody on Thursday, January 29, 2015 @ 09:48 AM 7098 views

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Thursday, January 29 at 11:21 AM Pacific
Oh ... gross!
Tuesday, April 21 at 08:11 AM Pacific
Waiting To See This On Gang

The Family Business Fund V (GENES) 20000 20.68 (0.00)          Florian Zeller (FZELL) 1999 0.95 (0.00)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 10000 35.35 (+0.25)          Florian Zeller (FZELL) 9999 0.95 (0.00)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 3200 35.35 (+0.25)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 11000 35.35 (+0.25)          Homestead (HMSTD) 11 15.85 (-0.67)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 40000 10.80 (-0.06)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 69999 10.80 (-0.06)          Freaky Tales (FRKYT) 149999 3.90 (-0.27)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 14 26.04 (+0.93)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 4000 10.80 (-0.06)          Freaky Tales (FRKYT) 150000 3.90 (-0.27)          Return to Silent Hill (SHIL3) 9200 9.15 (-0.08)          Return to Silent Hill (SHIL3) 16000 9.15 (-0.08)          Minions 3 (MNIO3) 25000 201.24 (0.00)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 150000 9.08 (+0.42)          Freaky Tales (FRKYT) 3 3.90 (-0.27)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 6000 11.32 (-0.23)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 149999 25.58 (+0.40)          Freaky Tales (FRKYT) 3 3.90 (-0.27)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 100000 25.20 (+0.07)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 2 26.86 (-0.76)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 2 26.86 (-0.76)          Romy & Michelle 2 (ROMY2) 40000 21.93 (-0.30)          Romy & Michelle 2 (ROMY2) 15000 21.93 (-0.30)          Insidious 6 (NSID6) 1 32.87 (0.00)          Ed Harris (EHARR) 4999 63.82 (0.00)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 50000 25.20 (+0.07)          Death Of A Unicorn (DUNIC) 150000 25.58 (+0.40)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 9000 26.86 (-0.76)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 150000 11.32 (-0.23)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 3 5.29 (+0.10)          The Housemaid (HMAID) 24999 35.35 (+0.25)          Rule Breakers (RULBR) 3 5.29 (+0.10)          Vicious (VICUS) 1 19.42 (0.00)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 88000 26.86 (-0.76)          Pillion (PILON) 29999 4.36 (+0.43)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 2 4.82 (+0.50)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 50000 25.20 (+0.07)          Pillion (PILON) 149999 4.36 (+0.43)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 2 4.82 (+0.50)          Pillion (PILON) 59200 4.36 (+0.43)          In the Blink of An Eye (IBOAE) 2 7.71 (+0.03)          In the Blink of An Eye (IBOAE) 150000 7.71 (+0.03)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 150000 25.20 (+0.07)          Homestead (HMSTD) 149988 15.85 (-0.67)          Pillion (PILON) 150000 4.36 (+0.43)          28 Years Later: The Bone Temple (28LT4) 1 69.80 (+0.02)          Homestead (HMSTD) 60000 15.85 (-0.67)