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First trailer for The Last Song

If you are a fan of movies based on Nicholas Sparks novels and Miley Cyrus [MCYRU], then you will love the new trailer for The Last Song [LSONG].  The Disney film stars Cyrus as a rebellious teenager from New York who has to spend the summer down south with her estranged father, a concert pianist played by Greg Kinnear [GKINN].   But if you are not a fan of Nicholas Sparks movies or Miley Cyrus, then you kill two birds with one stone by avoiding The Last Song.

The Last Song will actually be the second movie based on a Nicholas Sparks novel to be released in 2010.  Sony's Dear John [DEARJ] arrives first on February 5th, while The Last Song is scheduled for April 2nd.



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By Antibody on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 04:57 PM 2434 views

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