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First trailer for Going In Style

Warner Bros. has unveiled the first trailer for the comey remake  Going In Style [GOINS]. Morgan Freeman [MFREE], Michael Caine [MCAIN] and Alan Arkin [ALARK] star in the film directed by Zach Braff [ZBRAF].  Going In Style opens in theaters on April 7th.

Played by Freeman, Caine, and Arkin, lifelong buddies Willie, Joe and Al, decide to buck retirement and step off the straight-and-narrow for the first time in their lives when their pension fund becomes a corporate casualty. Desperate to pay the bills and come through for their loved ones, the three risk it all by embarking on a daring bid to knock off the very bank that absconded with their money.


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By Antibody on Friday, December 16, 2016 @ 09:10 AM 2174 views

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Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)          Minnie Driver (MDRIV) 25000 12.71 (+0.10)          Dog Man (DOGM1) 150000 95.59 (-1.02)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          K-Pops! (KPOPS) 15000 2.29 (+0.01)          Him esh Patel (HPATE) 25000 45.54 (-0.99)          Twinless (TWNLS) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK (ATTLA) 6000 4.38 (+0.04)          Elizabeth Olsen (EOLSE) 25000 167.94 (-1.51)          Winter Spring Summer or Fall (WSSOF) 10000 1.70 (-0.01)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Lips Like Sugar (LIPLS) 2000 5.39 (-0.01)          Josephine (JSPHN) 2000 6.45 (-0.01)          How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) 75000 203.43 (-0.41)          The Assessment (ASSMT) 150000 2.82 (+0.50)          Jane Austen Wrecked My Life (JAWML) 7001 1.57 (-0.01)          Hamlet (HAMET) 4000 3.39 (-0.01)          William Tell (WITEL) 2000 6.80 (-0.02)          One to One: John & Yoko (OTOJY) 10001 1.58 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes H$10 Put (HRTEY.PU) 25000 1.84 (+0.29)          Dust Bunny (DUSTB) 4000 3.68 (-0.02)          By Design (BYDSG) 10000 1.51 (-0.02)          Twinless (TWNLS) 25500 2.00 (0.00)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          Anemone (ANEMO) 2000 7.03 (-0.02)          The Surfer (SURFR) 4000 3.42 (-0.03)          Atropia (ATROP) 25500 4.00 (0.00)          Standing on the Shoulders of Kit (SOTSK) 10000 1.11 (-0.03)          King Ivory (KIVRY) 10000 1.24 (-0.03)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 20000 3.06 (+0.01)          CC: Emily (CCEML) 2000 5.83 (-0.03)          Rental Family (RNTLF) 2000 7.16 (-0.05)          Nickels (NCKEL) 4000 3.36 (-0.06)          Tow (TOW) 3000 4.27 (-0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 14991 5.75 (-5.47)          Superman (SUPRM) 25000 249.26 (-0.87)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 46000 3.30 (+0.02)          Train Dreams (TRDRM) 54000 2.82 (+0.08)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.75 (-5.47)          Vie Privee (VPRIV) 82000 1.87 (+0.38)          Hugh Jackman (HJACK) 99 48.07 (0.00)          Chris Evans (CEVAN) 99 176.42 (+0.50)          The Hood (THOOD) 4000 6.23 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 76000 87.44 (-0.98)          Playdate (PLYDT) 4000 9.59 (+0.01)          Michael (MJACK) 150000 87.44 (-0.98)          The Real Me: Keith Moon (KMOON) 4000 5.13 (+0.01)          Atropia (ATROP) 150000 4.00 (0.00)          Watch Dogs (WTDOG) 2000 18.43 (+0.02)          Reminders of Him (RMNDH) 2000 17.61 (+0.02)          James Marsden (JMARS) 99 125.28 (0.00)