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New trailer for Widows

Fox has unleashed the official full-length trailer for the thriller Widows [WIDOW] adapted from a British TV series. Viola Davis [VDAVI], Michelle Rodriguez [MRODR], Elizabeth Debicki [EDEBI] and Cynthia Erivo star as four women whose husbands died engaging in criminal activities. In order to pay off the debt they left behind, the foursome decide to complete their husbands' planned heist. Directed by Steve McQueen [SMCQU], Widows opens on November 16th.


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By Antibody on Wednesday, August 15, 2018 @ 09:08 AM 1414 views

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Karate Kid: Legends (KKID2) 149999 136.39 (+0.11)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Adele Exarchopoulos (AEXAR) 999 46.91 (0.00)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 258.22 (+0.50)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 258.22 (+0.50)          Adele Exarchopoulos (AEXAR) 993 46.91 (0.00)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 50000 172.48 (+0.51)          Jumanji sequel (JUMN3) 150000 105.86 (+0.44)          The Death of Robin Hood (TDORH) 45000 29.38 (-1.14)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 146100 40.00 (0.00)          Dwayne Johnson (TROCK) 25000 154.60 (+1.13)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 50 43.40 (-0.77)          Zootopia 2 (ZOOT2) 150000 227.62 (+0.58)          The Hunger Games: Sunrise on the (HGAM6) 30000 130.26 (+0.40)          Verity (VERTY) 39999 35.13 (-1.79)          Verity (VERTY) 81000 35.13 (-1.79)          Moana 2 $360 Blockbuster Warrant (MOAN2.BW) 25000 21.04 (+0.07)          Madden (MADEN) 22999 28.22 (-0.48)          Madden (MADEN) 45000 28.22 (-0.48)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 17.50 (+1.67)          Pokemon: Detective Pikachu 2 (PIKA2) 150000 34.70 (+0.06)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 6000 208.04 (-0.16)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 17.50 (+1.67)          Heads of State (HDSST) 45000 14.65 (-0.06)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 444 40.00 (0.00)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Presence - Opening Weekend (PRSNC.OW) 100000 8.76 (+0.09)          Pirates of the Caribbean 6 (PIRT6) 150000 43.05 (+0.15)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 50000 4.22 (-0.03)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 70 159.91 (+1.70)          Hot Spot (HTSPT) 110000 4.22 (-0.03)          Flight Risk - Opening Weekend (FLTRS.OW) 100000 8.13 (-0.11)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Caught Stealing (CSTEL) 11999 36.41 (-0.03)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 200 172.48 (+0.51)          Uncharted 2 (UNCH2) 150000 26.75 (+0.06)          David (DAVID) 149997 64.14 (+0.34)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          By Design (BYDSG) 1 2.23 (+0.63)          By Design (BYDSG) 149999 2.23 (+0.63)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          By Design (BYDSG) 150000 2.23 (+0.63)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 37000 17.50 (+1.67)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 150000 34.98 (+0.10)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 70.50 (-0.75)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 70.50 (-0.75)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 100 69.39 (0.00)          David (DAVID) 149999 64.14 (+0.34)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 40.00 (0.00)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 30000 15.75 (+2.46)