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First trailer for Avengers: Endgame

Marvel has revealed the teaser trailer for the sequel Avengers: Endgame [AVNG4], which follows up the events of Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos wielded the Infinity Gaunlet to wipe out 50% of all living creatures.  The surviving Avengers are joined by Jeremy Renner [JRENN] as Hawkeye ans Paul Rudd [PRUDD] as Ant-Man, who may hold the answer to reversing the process. Originally scheduled to open May 3rd, Avengers: Endgame will now arrive a week early on April 26th.



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By Antibody on Friday, December 7, 2018 @ 08:20 AM 1018 views

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Steven Soderbergh (SSODE) 25000 25.30 (-0.12)          Flight Risk - Opening Weekend (FLTRS.OW) 100000 8.70 (+0.37)          Steven Soderbergh (SSODE) 1 25.30 (-0.12)          Flight Risk H$10 Call (FLTRS.CA) 25000 2.64 (+0.10)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 50000 19.56 (+2.26)          Oh, Hi! (OHHI) 150000 2.28 (+0.03)          Aaron Pierre (APIER) 25000 79.35 (-3.97)          Roman Griffin Davis (RGDAV) 25000 15.40 (-0.10)          Aaron Pierre (APIER) 25000 79.35 (-3.97)          James Marsden (JMARS) 25000 132.78 (+8.91)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 74000 2.00 (+0.13)          Flight Risk (FLTRS) 15000 34.93 (+4.30)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 22.10 (+1.21)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 22.10 (+1.21)          Mike Flanagan (MFLAN) 25000 30.00 (0.00)          One of Them Days - Opening Weeke (1OTDS.OW) 100000 9.10 (+1.19)          Sorry, Baby (SRYBB) 45000 1.48 (-0.04)          Plainclothes (PLNCL) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Mike Flanagan (MFLAN) 5000 30.00 (0.00)          Steven Soderbergh (SSODE) 25000 25.30 (-0.12)          Guys and Dolls (GUYDL) 30000 31.39 (-0.91)          Plainclothes (PLNCL) 12000 2.00 (0.00)          Eric Bana (EBANA) 25000 13.55 (-1.87)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 25000 53.61 (-0.35)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 22.10 (+1.21)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 150000 22.10 (+1.21)          Until Dawn (UDAWN) 150000 25.50 (+1.49)          Until Dawn (UDAWN) 150000 25.50 (+1.49)          The Life of Chuck (LCHUC) 149999 24.56 (+0.43)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 150000 19.56 (+2.26)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 58.17 (+4.60)          One of Them Days (1OTDS) 150000 19.56 (+2.26)          Sgt. Rock (SGROC) 150000 53.61 (-0.35)          Aaron Pierre (APIER) 25000 79.35 (-3.97)          Aaron Pierre (APIER) 25000 79.35 (-3.97)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 $205M Block (SONC3.BW) 25000 9.66 (+0.84)          Mufasa: The Lion King $190M Bloc (LION2.BW) 25000 8.36 (+1.53)          Brave the Dark (BRVTD) 3 4.06 (-0.49)          A Legend (ALGND) 150000 1.02 (-0.50)          Rainbow Six (RNBW6) 150000 18.67 (+0.06)          Hard Truths (HTRUT) 150000 1.97 (-0.11)          Andy Warhol biopic (WARHL) 10000 0.01 (-0.01)          Snipers (SNIPR) 5000 0.02 (-0.01)          Snipers (SNIPR) 5000 0.02 (-0.01)          My Name is Andrea (ANDRA) 5000 0.11 (+0.01)          Tika Sumpter (TSUMP) 25000 114.64 (+8.62)          My Name is Andrea (ANDRA) 5000 0.11 (+0.01)          Guy Pearce (GPEAR) 25000 6.36 (-0.05)          Sinners (SINER) 150000 91.83 (+0.50)          Revival (RVIVL) 10000 0.17 (+0.08)