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First trailer for Ammonite

Neon has revealed the official trailer for the drama Ammonite [AMONT]  starring Kate Winslet [KWINS] and Saoirse Ronan [SRONA].   Set in 1840s England, Winslet stars as English fossil hunter Mary Anning who develops a lesbian relationshipw with a young woman sent to convalesce by the sea.   Written and directed by Francis Lee, Ammonite is scheduled to open on November 13th.


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By Antibody on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 @ 07:53 AM 640 views

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Jurassic World Rebirth (JURA7) 150000 299.89 (+0.30)          Edward Norton (ENORT) 25000 27.15 (+0.12)          Pedro Pascal (PPASC) 24990 61.78 (+0.49)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 42.03 (+2.03)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 150000 82.91 (-0.68)          Nicholas Hoult (NHOUL) 25000 36.87 (0.00)          Kieran Culkin (KCULK) 25000 9.47 (+0.05)          Jim Carrey (JCARR) 18939 126.30 (-0.33)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 24685 96.90 (0.00)          Ben Schwartz (BSCHW) 18317 130.59 (0.00)          Tika Sumpter (TSUMP) 22703 105.36 (0.00)          Keanu Reeves (KREEV) 23134 103.40 (0.00)          James Marsden (JMARS) 19520 122.54 (0.00)          Raised Eyebrows (REYEB) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Eric Larue (ERICL) 8000 0.01 (0.00)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 76.80 (+0.25)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 87.97 (+0.25)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 59.90 (+0.33)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 47750 42.03 (+2.03)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 25000 225.37 (+0.49)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 51.80 (+0.16)          Billy Eichner (BEICH) 25000 138.92 (+0.66)          Love, Brooklyn (LVBRK) 150000 1.71 (-0.06)          Anika Noni Rose (ANROS) 25000 84.82 (+0.25)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 42.03 (+2.03)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 42.03 (+2.03)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 42.03 (+2.03)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 2.18 (+0.41)          Simon Pegg (SPEGG) 24990 140.15 (+0.33)          Pom Klementieff (PKLEM) 24990 168.74 (-0.99)          Bambi (BAMBI) 9000 24.30 (0.00)          Angela Bassett (ABASS) 1 205.37 (+0.50)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.58 (-1.12)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 15.58 (-1.12)          Jon Favreau (JFAVR) 1 248.16 (0.00)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 1 24.21 (0.00)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 1 24.21 (0.00)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 1 24.21 (0.00)          Robert Downey Jr. (RDOWN) 1 225.02 (-0.50)          M3GAN 2.0 (M3GA2) 149999 77.07 (-0.57)          Passion of the Christ 2: The Res (RESUR) 1 34.89 (0.00)          Passion of the Christ 2: The Res (RESUR) 1 34.89 (0.00)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 10 42.03 (+2.03)          Donald Glover (DOGLO) 1 225.37 (+0.49)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 1 17.64 (0.00)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 100 14.00 (+1.76)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 1 17.64 (0.00)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 100 22.92 (+0.42)          Opus (OPUS) 50000 16.38 (+0.06)          Opus (OPUS) 1 16.38 (+0.06)