Briarcliff Entertainment has released the official trailer for the animated Sneaks [SNEKS]. Anthony Mackie [AMACK] and Chloe Bailey voice a pair of rare, high-end sneakers that get separated in New York City. Martin Lawrence [MLAWR] voices an old shoe who knows his way around the streets. Sneaks arrives in theaters on April 18th.
SNEAKS follows a pair of one-of-a-kind, collector sneakers, Ty (Anthony Mackie), and Maxine (Chloe Bailey), stolen by ‘the Collector’ (Laurence Fishburne). In their attempt to escape, Ty ends up separated from his sister in the middle of NYC. Alone, and desperate to find her, Ty meets with JB (Martin Lawrence), a streetwise, scuffed up sneaker with an affinity for anything shiny, learning that your best life begins when you get out of your box.