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Trailer for Insidious

FilmDistrict has release the trailer for the horror film Insidious [NSIDI] from the writer-director duo of the original Saw.   Patrick Wilson [PWILS] and Rose Byrne [RBYRN] star as parents who find out it's not their house that's haunted, it's their son.  That would be an interesting twist, if it wasn't spoiled in the trailer.



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By Antibody on Thursday, February 17, 2011 @ 10:33 AM 2697 views

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Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 79999 19.51 (-0.04)          Verity (VERTY) 25000 36.92 (0.00)          Verity (VERTY) 24999 36.92 (0.00)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 60000 13.64 (+0.35)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 25000 13.64 (+0.35)          Better Man (BETRM) 150000 9.36 (+0.03)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 50000 13.64 (+0.35)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 150000 35.10 (+0.42)          In the Hand of Dante (ITHOD) 8313 11.91 (0.00)          Minions 3 (MNIO3) 150000 244.41 (+0.01)          Shrek 5 (SHRK5) 150000 158.55 (+0.34)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 150000 35.10 (+0.42)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 16.50 (+0.67)          A Working Man aka Levon's Trade (LEVON) 149999 27.08 (+0.58)          Haley Bennett (HBENN) 25000 6.48 (-0.05)          Imelda Staunton (ISTAU) 25000 61.26 (-0.25)          Soulm8te (SOM8T) 129999 33.59 (-0.08)          Pete Davidson (PDAVI) 25000 48.47 (+0.16)          Milla Jovovich (MJOVO) 25000 14.17 (+0.10)          The Amateur (AMTUR) 149999 43.50 (-0.14)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 149999 75.15 (+0.25)          Shackleton (SHCKL) 149997 5.79 (+0.03)          Bobby Cannavale (BCANN) 25000 47.38 (-0.17)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 149999 4.58 (+0.08)          Fackham Hall (FACKH) 149999 4.23 (-0.15)          O'Shea Jackson Jr. (OJACK) 25000 53.45 (+0.16)          Love Me (LOVME) 100000 4.76 (-0.01)          Fackham Hall (FACKH) 150000 4.23 (-0.15)          Fackham Hall (FACKH) 1 4.23 (-0.15)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 4.58 (+0.08)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 1 4.58 (+0.08)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 25000 36.42 (-0.13)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part T (TCS52) 50000 8.63 (+0.01)          Sophie Wilde (SWILD) 25000 22.78 (+0.12)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part T (TCS52) 50000 8.63 (+0.01)          The Chosen: Last Supper - Part T (TCS52) 1 8.63 (+0.01)          Tilda Swinton (TSWIN) 25000 8.86 (-0.05)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 150000 75.15 (+0.25)          Prince Charming (PCHRM) 1 75.15 (+0.25)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 15000 35.10 (+0.42)          Den of Thieves: Pantera (DENO2) 12500 35.10 (+0.42)          A Working Man aka Levon's Trade (LEVON) 150000 27.08 (+0.58)          The Death of Robin Hood (TDORH) 150000 30.00 (-0.52)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 18.75 (+0.22)          Lunik Heist (LUNIK) 150000 18.75 (+0.22)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 16.50 (+0.67)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 16.50 (+0.67)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.75 (+0.58)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.75 (+0.58)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 28.75 (+0.58)