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Raja Gosnell will direct Smurfs

The feature adaptation of the cartoon Smurfs [SMURF] will be directed by Raja Gosnell [RGOSN], the man responsible for both Scoby-Doo films as well as last year's Beverly Hills Chihuahua.  The film will blend CG animation wth live-action, much like Gosnell's previous efforts.  Sony plans to release the film in both 3D and 2D formats on December 17, 2010. 

The Smurfs began in 1958 as a comic strip by Belgian cartoonist Peyo.  They gained popularity in the United States during the 1980s as a cartoon series on television.  Smurfs were little blue-skin creatures who live in forest mushrooms and like to use the word 'Smurf' as a verb for everything.  Except for Smurfette who was created by the human villain Gargamel, all the Smurfs are male and named for their one distinct characteristic.   Some see the Smurfs' division of labor and communal living situation as practicing communism.  Others, like stoners and ravers, just see the Smurfs as a trippy good times.  Sony, however, is unlikely to tap into either theme and just aim for the lowest common denominator of family safe entertainment.

Source: Variety, Hollywood Reporter


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By Antibody on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 @ 02:28 PM 3507 views

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