HSX Forum


StarBond Cashouts for 12/06/19

Posted by: Antibody on Dec 06, 11:10

The following StarBonds were cashed out at their TAG value:

    - Albert Brooks (ABROO) H$108.09
    - Ayelet Zurer (AZURE) H$82.12
    - Billy Connolly (BCONN) H$109.69
    - Brett Ratner (BRATN) H$32.34
    - Chris Noth (CNOTH) H$19.87
    - Fred Willard (FWILL) H$39.64
    - Gina Carano (GCARA) H$101.53
    - Genesis Rodriguez (GRODR) H$77.05
    - Ivan Reitman (IREIT) H$32.07
    - Joseph Cross (JCROS) H$36.45
    - Katrina Bowden (KBOWD) H$17.87
    - Michel Gondry (MGOND) H$19.85
    - Meg Ryan (MRYAN) H$9.71
    - Rodrigo Santoro (RSANT) H$18.80
    - Sam Huntington (SHUNT) H$26.05

Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 40 449.20 (-1.00)          The Gutter (GUTER) 2001 0.20 (+0.01)          King (KING) 150000 7.24 (+0.10)          Moana (MOAN1) 1 190.78 (-0.17)          The Conjuring: Last Rites (CNJU4) 200 60.43 (0.00)          Sonic the Hedgehog 3 $205M Block (SONC3.BW) 25000 7.09 (+2.09)          Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (5NAF2) 150000 111.77 (+0.44)          Mufasa: The Lion King $190M Bloc (LION2.BW) 25000 6.05 (+1.05)          Mufasa: The Lion King (LION2) 802 188.45 (-1.09)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 2000 34.61 (-4.69)          Seth Rogen (SROGE) 25000 118.18 (-0.33)          The Comeback Trail (CMBKT) 197 0.19 (0.00)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          Freakier Friday (FREK2) 150000 89.71 (-0.34)          Snow White (SNWHT) 1500 206.50 (-0.92)          Battlestar Galactica (BGALA) 150000 5.82 (-0.08)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 52.57 (0.00)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 5000 34.61 (-4.69)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 70.29 (+0.17)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          Borderline (BRLIN) 106607 8.92 (+0.03)          The Comeback Trail (CMBKT) 404 0.19 (0.00)          Snow White (SNWHT) 10800 206.50 (-0.92)          Battlestar Galactica (BGALA) 150000 5.82 (-0.08)          Fast X Part 2 aka Fast & Furious (FAF11) 2000 120.37 (-0.35)          Black Phone 2 (BPHO2) 100 59.99 (+0.43)          Aaron Pierre (APIER) 25000 84.32 (-0.25)          Heat 2 (HEAT2) 100000 31.81 (-0.27)          Theater of Thought (THOTH) 498 0.18 (+0.02)          M3GAN 2.0 (M3GA2) 100 76.85 (0.00)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 70.29 (+0.17)          Heat 2 (HEAT2) 150000 31.81 (-0.27)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          CBS: Poppa's House (POPPAH) 25000 10.94 (-0.07)          Theater of Thought (THOTH) 502 0.18 (+0.02)          Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 206.50 (-0.92)          Novocaine (NOVCN) 400 33.39 (+0.39)          Snow White (SNWHT) 150000 206.50 (-0.92)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 25.00 (0.00)          Novocaine (NOVCN) 5000 33.39 (+0.39)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 118711 25.00 (0.00)          Gears of War (GEARS) 97 0.17 (-0.02)          The Matrix 5 (MTRX5) 79183 37.45 (-0.07)          Gears of War (GEARS) 303 0.17 (-0.02)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 400 30.38 (+2.19)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 100 45.09 (+0.28)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 10000 30.38 (+2.19)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 34.61 (-4.69)