HSX Forum


StarBond Cashouts for 1/08/21

Posted by: Antibody on Jan 08, 10:53

The following StarBonds were cashed out at their TAG value:

    - Benjamin Bratt (BBRAT) H$128.22
    - Christina Applegate (CAPPL) H$87.09
    - Dustin Hoffman (DHOFF) H$73.15
    - Emily Browning (EBROW) H$5.04
    - Elijah Wood (EWOOD) H$5.49
    - Jon Heder (JHEDE) H$6.55
    - Jonathan Mostow (JMOST) H$79.03
    - Jonny Weston (JWEST) H$62.29
    - Louis C.K. (LCK) H$91.91
    - Lili Taylor (LTAYL) H$43.93
    - Marton Csokas (MCSOK) H$82.80
    - Miranda Richardson (MIRIC) H$3.68
    - Nathan Lane (NLANE) H$13.09
    - Oliver Platt (OPLAT) H$9.16
    - Patrick Warburton (PWARB) H$50.39
    - Stephen Daldry (SDALD) H$25.92
    - Sanaa Lathan (SLATH) H$45.99
    - Simon West (SWEST) H$58.69
    - Tom Skerritt (TSKER)  H$1.07
    - Vivica A. Fox (VFOX) H$21.26

By Design (BYDSG) 150000 1.88 (-0.09)          By Design (BYDSG) 2 1.88 (-0.09)          Creed IV (CREE4) 1 47.06 (-0.10)          Creed IV (CREE4) 1 47.06 (-0.10)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 1 124.19 (-0.11)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 1 124.19 (-0.11)          Mike & Nick & Nick & Alice (MNANA) 2 12.14 (-0.13)          Mike & Nick & Nick & Alice (MNANA) 2 12.14 (-0.13)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 3 170.43 (-0.33)          Mission: Impossible - The Final (MISS8) 3 170.43 (-0.33)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 2 22.82 (-0.50)          Headhunters (HDHUN) 2 22.82 (-0.50)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 1 112.96 (+0.11)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 1 112.96 (+0.11)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 3 20.51 (+0.02)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 3 20.51 (+0.02)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 2 15.17 (+0.02)          The Phoenician Scheme (TPSCH) 2 15.17 (+0.02)          Passion of the Christ 2: The Res (RESUR) 1 34.92 (+0.03)          Passion of the Christ 2: The Res (RESUR) 1 34.92 (+0.03)          Ocean's 14 (OCEN5) 1 36.57 (+0.03)          Ocean's 14 (OCEN5) 1 36.57 (+0.03)          Brave the Dark (BRVTD) 3 4.82 (+0.04)          Brave the Dark (BRVTD) 3 4.82 (+0.04)          Together (TGETR) 2 6.20 (+0.07)          Together (TGETR) 150000 6.20 (+0.07)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 3 31.89 (+0.09)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 3 31.89 (+0.09)          The Friend (FREND) 3 3.90 (+0.21)          The Friend (FREND) 150000 3.90 (+0.21)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 2 22.79 (+0.29)          Bob the Builder (BOBTB) 150000 22.79 (+0.29)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 1 13.17 (+0.93)          Legally Blonde 3 (BLON3) 150000 13.17 (+0.93)          Eternity (ETERN) 2 12.57 (+0.89)          Eternity (ETERN) 150000 12.57 (+0.89)          The Death of Robin Hood (TDORH) 1 30.37 (+0.84)          The Death of Robin Hood (TDORH) 150000 30.37 (+0.84)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 1 20.19 (+0.57)          Tower of Terror (TOWRT) 150000 20.19 (+0.57)          Lily Tomlin (LTOML) 25000 49.14 (-0.33)          Lakeith Stanfield (LSTAN) 25000 27.26 (-0.25)          Lakeith Stanfield (LSTAN) 25000 27.26 (-0.25)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 2 29.39 (-0.43)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 2 29.39 (-0.43)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 150000 16.22 (-0.48)          Ghostbusters animated (GBUST) 2 16.22 (-0.48)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 150000 17.37 (-0.37)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 1 17.37 (-0.37)          The Familiars (FAMIL) 1 17.37 (-0.37)