- Six Minutes to Midnight (6MTMN) H$0.13
- Dream Horse (DRHRS) H$2.59
- Shoplifters of the World (SLOTW) H$0.01
- In the Heights H$25 Call (INHTS.CA) H$0
- In the Heights - Opening Weekend (INHTS.OW) H$11.50
- In the Heights H$25 Put (INHTS.PU) H$13.50
- Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway H$20 Call (PRAB2.CA) H$0
- Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway - Opening Weekend (PRAB2.OW) H$10.10
- Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway H$20 Put (PRAB2.PU) H$9.90
- ABC: Rebel (REBELA) H$10
- Infinite (INFIN) H$0
- Wish Dragon (WDRGN) H$0