- 1906 (1906) H$0
- Five Against a Bullet (5ABLT) H$0
- The Billion Brick Race (BBRAC) H$0
- The Last Patriots aka Border Guards (BORDG) H$0
- McClane aka Die Hard: Year One (DIEH6) H$0
- Deathstroke (DSTRK) H$0
- Janis aka Joplin aka The Gospel According to Janis (GOSPJ) H$0
- Jackpot (JCKPT) H$0
- Kojak (KOJAK) H$0
- The Real McCoy (MCCOY) H$0
- The Angel Makers aka The Poisoners (POISN) H$0
- Popeye (POPEY) H$0
- Rally Car (RALYC) H$0
- Star Blazers (SBLAZ) H$0
- The Adventures of Tintin 2 (TINT2) H$0
- The Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara (TKOEM) H$0