- Aline (ALINE) H$0.67
- All the Old Knives (AOKNV) H$0.01
- Cow (COW) H$0.02
- Crimes of the Future (CRMOF) H$2.37
- Watcher (WATCR) H$1.93
- The Black Phone H$15 Call (BPHON.CA) H$8.63
- The Black Phone - Opening Weekend (BPHON.OW) H$23.63
- The Black Phone H$15 Put (BPHON.PU) H$0
- Elvis H$35 Call (ELVIS.CA) H$0
- Elvis - Opening Weekend (ELVIS.OW) H$31.21
- Elvis H$35 Put (ELVIS.PU) H$3.79
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $165M Blockbuster Warrant (SONC2.BW) H$25.74