- 9 Bullets (9BULT) H$0.01
- Charlotte (CHRLT) H$0.02
- Hit the Road (HITRD) H$0.15
- Lightyear (LITYR) H$112.50
- Petite Maman (PETMA) H$0.82
- Saturday Fiction (SATFC) H$0.01
- The Duke (THDUK) H$1.52
- Take Me to the River: New Orleans (TMTR2) H$0.04
- Unplugging (UNPLG) H$0.02
- Y Como Es El? (YCEEL) H$1.50
- Thor: Love and Thunder H$135 Call (THOR4.CA) H$9.17
- Thor: Love and Thunder - Opening Weekend (THOR4.OW) H$144.17
- Thor: Love and Thunder H$135 Put (THOR4.PU) H$0