- The Blackening (BLCKN) H$16.94
- Carmen (CARME) H$0.10
- Elemental (ELMNT) H$109.62
- The Flash (FLASH) H$105.21
- Little Richard: I Am Everything (LRIAE) H$0.13
- To Catch a Killer (MSNTH) H$0.01
- River (RIVER) H$0.02
- Somewhere in Queens (SWQUN) H$1.80
- Joy Ride H$10 Call (JOYRI.CA) H$0
- Joy Ride - Opening Weekend (JOYRI.OW) H$5.81
- Joy Ride H$10 Put (JOYRI.PU) H$4.19
- Insidious: The Red Door H$25 Call (NSID5.CA) H$8.01
- Insidious: The Red Door - Opening Weekend (NSID5.OW) H$33.01
- Insidious: The Red Door H$25 Put (NSID5.PU) H$0
- The Horror Fund 8 (SPOOK) H$101.40