HSX Forum
Playing & Trading Strategy
I have a started a league for those with a negative port. My own port is at negative 12 million - but I know there are those which are even more negative (apologies for the oxymoron).
Looking to exchange negative trading strategies with like minded miscreants. This should be fun.
Any takers?
Negative Port League
Dec 05, 11:31
Hey, good idea. Oh...
Dec 05, 14:17
Thanks edzep
Dec 07, 06:48
How do the players who like doing this buy any stocks (to lose money on) with their ports being that far in the red?
Dec 05, 18:25
not sure, but they can earn some by the EARN H$ page each day
Dec 06, 08:52
I didn't think HSX would let you spend money, (to buy or short stocks) that 'technically' you don't have in your port, no??
Dec 06, 15:43
Well, you can't spend money that you don't have. You can only buy/short stocks while you have positive cash.
Dec 20, 09:57
How do you make a small fortune?
Dec 07, 06:54