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Playing & Trading Strategy

First I'm sure you mean 3B. I learned a long time ago that the general direction of most IPO;s is south, until such

Posted by: Buy BONDS 18 (a.k.a mrbinns) on Jan 08, 16:22 in response to Jeco's post Market manipulation or praying for the destruction of the...

useful things as scripts, directors, cast, and most importantly FINANCING are in place.  LEGND, BBUTN were penny stocks. 

The relaity is that most of the IPO;s will never see the flicker of a projector in a movie theater.  Shorting is a very vialble way to play the game.

THere was a long time player who managed a fund, and I will not embarass by naming but I am sure many will know, and the stragegy was to long, stay long, no matter what.  Not a great stragegy, even when the movie was in release. 

Also, earlier today I posted the amount of H# it would take to buy, or short, all stocks.  My non-cash holdings are worth about 2B more than that amount because of the short positions that I have not been able to reshort and turn into cash.

You can do wiith our port as you wish.  But projecting the direction of the value of a project is important.  If MOVIE IPO;s  at 20 but sinks to 5, it behooves you to be on the short side.  There is plenty of time to reverse it when the news warrants.

Market manipulation or praying for the destruction of the HSX virtual economy? Jeco Jan 08, 15:32

First I'm sure you mean 3B. I learned a long time ago that the general direction of most IPO;s is south, until such Buy BONDS 18 Jan 08, 16:22

^ What he said! {nm} edzep Jan 08, 16:57

I looked...it is 30M, not 30B. Not much activity in 10 years. Probably a lot of buy and hold stocks. {nm} Buy BONDS 18 Jan 08, 17:59

Drats! I'll get more in depth, but yes I meant H$30M - (Maybe I was just being an optimist) ;) {nm} Jeco Jan 08, 18:27

HSX prices IPO's as well as they can, but OriginalFund Jan 09, 20:34

To your question: Both. If a stock is moving down, some traders will short it whether that makes sense or not. {nm} JDolphin Jan 08, 17:21

I also play pretty "conventionally" by getting in on big blockbusters early. But I also play the games everyday, so I see good growth. {nm} as329105 Jan 08, 19:23

theres a lot that that. imobowel Jan 08, 20:02

Since the highest IPO price has been H$150 while MovieStocks have delisted over H$400, not every IPO is inflated. {nm} Antibody Jan 09, 10:36

Holy smokes... not trying to be rude but only $30M in 10+ years?!?! How in the world did that happen? {nm} EddieBunker Jan 09, 14:29

Lots of people (including myself) where once inactive players who became active. E.g.: PRodQuanta Jan 09, 14:46

I see. {nm} EddieBunker Jan 09, 14:59

Thanks for the reminder. {nm} ndmaster Jan 10, 12:50

Since most movies don't get made, longing everything is like betting on *all* the horses in a race to win. Not so conventional. {nm} jjmarino Jan 10, 14:29

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Madden (MADEN) 1000 26.74 (-0.03)          Next Life (NEXLF) 13910 4.82 (+0.85)          Alien sequel (ALIE6) 1 67.56 (-0.22)          Alien sequel (ALIE6) 1 67.56 (-0.22)          The Unbreakable Boy (UNBOY) 9999 8.57 (+0.01)          The Friend (FREND) 3 5.38 (-0.24)          The Friend (FREND) 3 5.38 (-0.24)          Anora - Original Screenplay (A5OANO) 25000 8.75 (-0.04)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 150000 404.12 (+2.55)          Mercy (MRCY1) 3 47.47 (-0.15)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 150000 404.12 (+2.55)          Mercy (MRCY1) 3 47.47 (-0.15)          Nickel Boys - Adapted Screenplay (A5ENIC) 25000 3.03 (0.00)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 3 19.59 (-0.17)          The Alto Knights (WISEG) 3 19.59 (-0.17)          Demi Moore - The Substance - Act (A5CDMO) 25000 13.20 (+0.07)          Paul Rudd (PRUDD) 24990 146.56 (-0.66)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 150000 18.28 (-0.26)          Acorns (ACRNS) 150000 88.79 (-0.99)          Last Breath (LBRTH) 3 18.28 (-0.26)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 150000 105.44 (-1.54)          Chris Sanders (CSAND) 25000 159.67 (-1.00)          Ralph Fiennes - Conclave - Actor (A5ARFI) 25000 8.15 (+0.03)          Sean Baker - Anora - Director (A5DSBA) 25000 9.12 (+0.06)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 150000 404.12 (+2.55)          Anora - Best Picture (A5PANO) 25000 9.23 (+0.06)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 5000 404.12 (+2.55)          Violent Night 2 (VILN2) 10000 16.53 (+0.10)          Violent Night 2 (VILN2) 10000 16.53 (+0.10)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 25000 5.47 (+0.70)          Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out M (KNIV3) 150000 5.41 (+0.71)          Next Life (NEXLF) 25000 4.82 (+0.85)          Victorian Psycho (VPSYC) 20000 16.82 (+1.47)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 25000 17.43 (-0.83)          Golden aka Atlantis (ATLNT) 50000 10.54 (-0.06)          When I'm Ready (WIMRD) 150000 1.01 (+0.04)          Green and Gold (GRNGD) 150000 1.79 (+0.03)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 150000 5.47 (+0.70)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 10 28.70 (-1.37)          Couture aka Stitches (STCHS) 100000 5.47 (+0.70)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 10 28.70 (-1.37)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 2 17.43 (-0.83)          100 Nights of Hero (100NH) 2 17.43 (-0.83)          Alien sequel (ALIE6) 100000 67.56 (-0.22)          GOAT (TGOAT) 150000 27.48 (-1.01)          Together (TGETR) 3 11.28 (-0.81)          Together (TGETR) 3 11.28 (-0.81)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 162 404.12 (+2.55)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 150000 105.44 (-1.54)          Planet of the Apes sequel (APES5) 150000 105.44 (-1.54)