Sorting portfolio? Mar 25, 10:31
Max buy the day trades, pick a lower number for the holds, then sort by shares is what i do Mar 25, 10:34
a hopefully not dumb question.....will Port Monkey work with Safari? {nm} Mar 25, 15:04
It's a good question. There are 2 or 3 members of the Port Monkey league that claim Safari as their browser. I asked... Mar 25, 17:29
I was one of those who claimed safari, but have never got it to work on anything but firefox Mar 26, 00:05
It's hard to believe they haven't got 'round to supporting bare scripting. Odd. {nm} Mar 26, 08:03
Get Port Monkey, switch browsers if you have to, it's entirely worth it. {nm} Apr 06, 12:17