IPO Thoughts: The Asian Fund 3 [ASIAN] - The HSX Dude Apr 16, 09:33
it's fake money after all...........let's see how the kid does........ {nm} Apr 16, 09:49
I think that if he hasn't even posted in this thrad talking about him, he probably doesn't follow the news. {nm} Apr 16, 20:54
Or not... :) {nm} Apr 16, 13:22
his "new sense of responsibility and desire to play every day" = not trading in his port for the last two weeks? {nm} Apr 16, 13:44
Should we be concerned that he doesn't seem to have made any trades yet? {nm} Apr 18, 04:02
Maybe his mom died or something. {nm} Apr 18, 12:12
All good points, which means that I should participate more on forums myself . . . Apr 16, 12:21
I've been an HSX-er for 3 years, and have over 850 positions, so Pepito's 300 is cause for concern. {nm} Apr 16, 12:23
Thank you for the analysis. {nm} Apr 16, 12:45
answer... Apr 16, 18:45
Heh, I don't think I knew you had local roots. Apr 16, 20:07
Just for fun(d)... here is a list I made (a while back) of all the previous funds (that I remember) listed at HSX Apr 17, 06:19
I remember LAWYR, YOUNG, and LOVE, I really miss ADJUS, it was fast money. BONDS is the fastest now that I can tell. {nm} Apr 18, 14:35
DMac likes funds... and he likes returning managers Apr 17, 06:24
i should get back into one, but i have no good ideas? {nm} Apr 17, 06:47
You could take over TRUE and finally delist it! Apr 17, 06:56
Interesting concept would be a "Daytrader Fund", nothing held over a few days, trade only on the news. {nm} Apr 18, 14:39
OMgosh...Tom's Tacos & Tito's is the BEST! Wooo! Apr 17, 08:54
railroad tracks! DMV! missile silos (a few blocks away ~ seal beach)! {nm} Apr 17, 19:44
Smokey Stovers on GG Blvd near Beach, Pup % Taco on Westminster & GW, and Bobs Big Boy on Beach and Westminster! Apr 17, 21:09
Me And Eds (GG and Beach); Pinnacle Peaks and The Yellow House! {nm} Apr 17, 21:16
Pup N Taco on Edinger and Magnolia {nm} Apr 17, 21:19
glendora/san dimas for those restaurants ? {nm} Apr 18, 06:16