Do AVENGERS weekend actuals {nm} May 07, 14:14
Do the AVENGER derivatives cash outs at Monday's actuals or Sunday's estimate? May 07, 14:19
Actuals {nm} May 07, 14:35
Only once did I play the OW warrant AND call it right at the same time I called the opener correctly. Once. So sad....... {nm} May 07, 16:17
Hello Dave3626....who were you before you were you? :-) {nm} May 07, 17:31
I need another cup of coffee before I can answer a question that existential. You know, the best part of waking up is hardly May 08, 08:15
It was more interesting when the stock halted on Friday night, before the .OW was added, WAY more interesting weekend. {nm} May 07, 20:25
I agree with you. On the other hand, it's easier now to make money and I like that. {nm} May 08, 08:17