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Playing & Trading Strategy

It's generally a good idea to never short calls or puts, unless you are certain of the outcome (which is VERY rare). -more-

Posted by: arf on Jun 17, 10:06 in response to Ghinsberg's post Shorting option

You stand to lose far more than if you simply ignored the .PU or .CA for that stock rather than shorting it.  Shorting is the only way to lose as much money as the movie makes, if it takes off, so use it wisely. 


The payoff on the .PU and .CA aren't really worth shorting, as they only go to zero and not negative numbers (which shorting will put you into).  So you can usually only make 40k on something like AVENGR if you got in early $2.00).  Not worth the risks if it does flop.  You only need to get hit for a couple million once and shorting derivatives becomes a touchy subject.

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Moana 2 (MOAN2) 69537 278.32 (-3.95)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 79.27 (-5.38)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 79.27 (-5.38)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 30000 278.32 (-3.95)          Shang-Chi 2 (SHCH2) 100000 63.07 (-0.35)          Shang-Chi 2 (SHCH2) 100000 63.07 (-0.35)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 26.11 (+1.11)          At the Sea (ATSEA) 200 4.63 (-0.05)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 100 28.56 (+3.56)          Courtney B. Vance (CVANC) 25000 54.56 (+0.16)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 166.15 (-1.13)          Isabella Rossellini (IROSS) 25000 7.23 (0.00)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 166.15 (-1.13)          Unstoppable (USTPB) 500 8.46 (-0.11)          Shang-Chi 2 (SHCH2) 100000 63.07 (-0.35)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 47865 268.89 (+2.14)          Doctor Strange 3 (DRST3) 40000 174.58 (-0.26)          Mike Tyson biopic (MTYSN) 10000 0.01 (-0.01)          Moana 2 H$130 Call Wed-Sun (MOAN2.CA) 24774 7.15 (+0.42)          Werewolves (WEREW) 85161 16.08 (-0.29)          Memoir of a Snail (MOASN) 148977 1.37 (-0.04)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 5000 132.64 (+0.18)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 5001 132.64 (+0.18)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 35000 28.56 (+3.56)          Red One (REDON) 12854 85.64 (-1.01)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 69000 28.56 (+3.56)          Now You See Me 3 (NYSM3) 150000 34.96 (+0.42)          Lilo & Stitch (LILST) 150000 143.66 (+1.90)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          Tye Sheridan (TSHER) 25000 13.78 (0.00)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          Henry Cavill (HCAVI) 14498 145.74 (+0.92)          Odessa Young (OYOUN) 25000 2.69 (0.00)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 2000 20.48 (+0.06)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 1 79.27 (-5.38)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 150000 60.55 (+0.15)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 1000 28.56 (+3.56)          Jurnee Smollett (JSMOL) 25000 32.87 (0.00)          Ballerina (BLRNA) 100000 82.91 (+1.19)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          The Bad Guys 2 (TBAD2) 100000 84.86 (+1.33)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 100000 18.02 (+2.94)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 100000 79.27 (-5.38)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 79.27 (-5.38)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 150000 132.64 (+0.18)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 50000 28.56 (+3.56)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 28.56 (+3.56)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 50000 28.56 (+3.56)