Vacation Question: Safe Investments Jun 26, 20:05
I don't know why my dollar signs turned into 4's... >.< {nm} Jun 26, 20:06
Turn off CapLock {nm} Jun 26, 20:48
Or just let go of the shift key sooner. Jun 27, 05:09
How about buying a fund, and let the fund manager do the work. ;-) Jun 26, 20:34
buy bonds and longer term stocks you are most comfortable with Jun 26, 22:47
What's this Vacation thing you perchance talk about. {nm} Jun 27, 05:59
I usually just do advanced trades on adjusting starbonds, leave rest alone, and do better than I would do if here {nm} Jun 27, 08:43
If a movie adjust to say 35 from 40 and i have a limit at 37, will i get out there or at the adjust? {nm} Jun 27, 23:16
if you put in the limit order after the bond was halted, then 35, otherwise 37 {nm} Jun 28, 00:24
Let me clarify that - if you put the order in before halt and the price does not fall below 37 then you will get 35. {nm} Jun 29, 11:46
they are all safe. margin clerk is not going to call you :) but, if you prefer to be even safer: Jun 27, 15:54
I would love it, if they allowed us to trade on margin here. That would be fun. Then, we also need "stop loss" trades. Jun 27, 19:08