I do not daytrade, I don't have time. However, because I have learned how to play the game in other ways, my portfolio is and has been about 65-70% short moviestocks. And I own about 1,000 of them. If you don't know why this is, go figure it out. Listen to the best players, pick up on what they are looking at and basing their trades on. They'll tell you.
I haven't made a ton of money recently, but I have been passing people with more frequency than in a long time. I also have not had the huge down days everyone is talking about. Some days start off down, but they usually end up, up.
Again, movies just going up, up, up is not the way to play this game. Play the players, anticipate what they are going to do. KNOW what movies with particular characteristics will do over time. Then get positioned for that eventuality. The game is predictable, and rather easy, once you learn what is going on.
Now, again, I don't daytrade. I place maybe 10-20 trades a day. Rarely do I flip a position, and flip it again, which is what I consider daytrading. This is not what I am talking about when I say the game is easy and predictable.