Opening weekend securities cash out how if the movie opes on Xmas day? {nm} Dec 19, 08:59
From the security description: "Opening weekend is the first Friday to Sunday of wide release, unless otherwise defined." Dec 19, 09:48
seems like the opening "weekend" for the three christmas movies should be tues-sun. Dec 19, 10:18
That's almost a full week. OW, Call and Puts usually only consider fri-sun {nm} Dec 19, 10:34
Still not sure if OW is considered Tue-Sun or Fri-Sun...will make a huge difference to pricing. {nm} Dec 19, 11:14
Since the OW page does not say differently then it is Fri-Sun {nm} Dec 19, 12:54
did you check the calendar? {nm} Dec 20, 15:06