HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

There is no "rule" but Antibody generally lets it go past reset, to make sure that it really is over the line. Lately the delists have been

Posted by: StarBondFund (a.k.a mrbinns) on Nov 03, 12:28 in response to Lib84's post So is that the rule? If it maintains >= $100 for 1...

added to the Calendar a little later in the day than in the past.

Occasionally, a fund crosses the line and then has a setback and is less.  By waiting a day, it is a way to be sure that it is really over the $100 mark. 



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The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 1 75.00 (0.00)          Hercules (HRCUL) 100000 32.27 (-0.41)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 63209 75.00 (0.00)          Him aka Goat (GOAT1) 150000 21.17 (+1.79)          The Comic Fund (COMIC) 1000 53.19 (+0.05)          Greenhouse aka The Uninhabitable (GRENH) 150000 33.04 (-0.16)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 15000 174.70 (+3.87)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 12.74 (-1.29)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 270.16 (-6.66)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 30000 174.70 (+3.87)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 45000 12.12 (-1.09)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 1 75.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          Suicide by Sunlight aka Untitled (SCBSL) 100000 12.45 (+0.02)          Red One (REDON) 150000 86.94 (+0.81)          Red One (REDON) 150000 86.94 (+0.81)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 20000 78.25 (+0.07)          Timothee Chalamet (TCHAL) 25000 107.42 (-0.66)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 37500 75.00 (0.00)          Timothee Chalamet (TCHAL) 25000 107.42 (-0.66)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 135000 16.10 (+0.43)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 10000 16.10 (+0.43)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 15000 16.10 (+0.43)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 149999 75.00 (0.00)          Here (HERE1) 4 16.39 (+0.03)          James Mangold (JMANG) 25000 133.76 (+0.66)          James Mangold (JMANG) 25000 133.76 (+0.66)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 2000 140.05 (-0.68)          Elle Fanning (EFANN) 25000 30.06 (+0.25)          Elle Fanning (EFANN) 25000 30.06 (+0.25)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 270.16 (-6.66)          Willem Dafoe (WDAFO) 25000 65.70 (+0.50)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 3862 280.57 (-0.97)          Willem Dafoe (WDAFO) 25000 65.70 (+0.50)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 150000 60.12 (+0.55)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 9000 140.05 (-0.68)          Denzel Washington (DWASH) 25000 62.01 (+0.25)          Nicholas Hoult (NHOUL) 24994 31.23 (+0.12)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          Emma Corrin (EMCOR) 25000 94.98 (+0.50)          Emma Corrin (EMCOR) 25000 94.98 (+0.50)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 8.55 (+0.65)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 75.00 (0.00)          Bill Skarsgard (BSKAR) 25000 68.12 (-0.25)