Look at your port... do you hold any 'slow bleeder' stocks? (Ones that continually drop 10 cents, 5 cents, 20 cents daily?) Are you playing openers weekly to take advantage of adjusts up or down? Are you playing star bonds taking advantage of those adjusts weekly?
We all have up and down days, and the market seems to be more volitale lately (for me, anyway) and I've been bouncing around going up or down 10-$15M weekly it seems... so you're not alone.
Maybe you'll want to sell off some of the "Concept" or "Developement" stocks you hold, since they may not be doing much, and they may be some of the 'slow bleeders' you may have.
Try to look at what various stocks are doing, look at your "Net Gain/Loss column and dump some of those that have cost you lots of money...
You'll have to review your port and see if there are areas that continually cost you money and perhaps dump them. Play openers weekely - it's one of the fastest ways to build your port. Don't forget starbonds as well.
Good luck!