This term represents a star's average total box-office performance over their last five credited films by release date. Each time a MovieStock featuring a particular star cashes out from the Movie Market, the box-office gross of the film (as reported to Exhibitor Relations Co.) is calculated into the star's TAG, and the bond price is adjusted to match. A maximum of five films are used in the TAG calculation divided by a minimum of three. The TAG is updated weekly with any additional box-office gross. A film's box-office gross in the TAG is capped at $250 million. StarBonds do not adjust in price for the first film in TAG, or for films which do not report box office to ERC.
StarBond TAG formula:
* Five films in TAG = Film1 + Film2 + Film3 + Film4 + Film5 / 5
* Four films in TAG = Film1 + Film2 + Film3 + Film4 / 4
* Three films in TAG = Film1 + Film2 + Film3 / 3
* Two films in TAG = Film1 + Film2 / 3
* One film in TAG = Film1 / 3Ā