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Playing & Trading Strategy

Just do as much as you can

Posted by: FranklynStreet on Sep 17, 10:20 in response to DutchCrunch's post Thanks! Strategy 1 seems like it would take a lot of...

They're not separate strategies, but part of the same strategy, really.

I have a port of $2.2 billion right now, and don't remember when I had enough money to specifically do what.  I do know that the most money is to be made off of Starbonds and the first 3-4 pages of wide releases.  And when I was able to invest in those, that's when my portfolio kept going up at the greatest increase to itself.

So I'd just invest in as much of those as you can with your current portfolio size.  I currently invest in all Starbonds more than $5 off from their next adjust, but that takes time to go through all of them, and probably isn't as efficient as just the ones with closer release dates.  I hold all wide releases, but I know I bleed out a lot on the wide releases really far out.  I've just started a plan to eliminate a lot of those and invest more in news items and the items in development that are moving, but that's trickier, requires more daily upkeep, can move quickly in unexpected ways, and as I've described before, apart from momentary boosts from news items, as a general rule they tend to slowly decline over time.

Maybe do Starbonds with release dates 2-3x out as much as the wide releases you're invested in, depending on port size.  In other words, for the farthest out wide release you're holding (maybe it's December 1st, which would be 2.5 months out), hold the Starbonds for the releases up to 7.5 months out.  And with Starbonds, don't limit to just wide releases.  You can make a lot of money off of shorting a Starbond coming off of a blockbuster that will be replaced with a small, limited release.

Just adjust that wide release window/Starbond window to whatever your portfolio size can accomodate.  And as mentioned before, leave a little money in your portfolio for news items and weekly derivates.  Your portfolio should grow pretty quickly that way, and you can keep extending the outside date for holding both the wide releases and Starbonds as it does.

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