… making us the leading studio-based fund since IPO. I’d like to thank all investors whose HSX $ have heped us make this such a good start, particularly when you consider that we did not have the benefit of a wide-opening movie.
That all changes this weekend with the opening of MAZE2, which has thus far proved frustrating, moving within a relatively narrow range in pre-release. We made a little early on but have been sitting on the sidelines until Thursday night’s preview numbers come in. Likewise we made some money on PENUT but the problem with both of these stocks at this stage of the fund’s development is that the stock price is prohibitive. This also applies to APES3 which would have been a profitable play further into the life of the fund.
However, it is what it is so we have concentrated on smaller stocks that have been active to both the upside and the down. The most profitable trade has been TROLL since the announcement of Justin Timberlake’s addition to the cast; GIFTD and DMOLT both added to returns and ABFAB deserves an honourable mention.
There are a number of smaller stocks in development that are being closely tracked but so far none has reached breakout potential. This could change at a moments notice so I would advise investors to keep a close watch on the fund’s holdings which, as keen observers can attest, change fairly rapidly. The style of trading takes full account of momentum and very little gets left on the table!
The next 72 hours should prove very eventful with the wide release of MAZE2 and all of its related derivatives as well as the Saturday IPO of PRED4, for which we shall be setting aside $4 million to be fully invested. Considering that the fund currently has just over $13 million under management you can see that we will be unable to fully exploit all opportunities unless we can bring more investors on board. So if you are fully in, well done. If you’re not, now’s the time to board the rocket.
Happy hunting,