HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

How IPOs work...

Posted by: RazorHawk on Jan 10, 17:22 in response to kbarton10's post Latest Star Wars IPO, number of shares

The 200,000,000 shares represents the "IPO offering".  The day that a moviestock is IPOed (for the first time) the price is frozen either until the IPO offering shares are sold out or at the next reset (whichever happens first).

In the case of STAR9, if it had sold those 200,000,000 shares before reset yesterday then the IPO would be over and it would behave like a regular stock and the price would be unfrozen.

Each moviestock has an unlimited amount of shares with no cap.  Each player does have a 100,000 max share limit that they can invest in in either direction but there are unlimited shares available for each stock.

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Materialists (MTRLS) 50 11.68 (+0.03)          Anthony Hopkins (AHOPK) 25000 2.97 (+0.02)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 5 55.85 (+0.33)          Elsie Fisher (EFISH) 25000 68.07 (-1.75)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 5 55.85 (+0.33)          Bowen Yang (BYANG) 25000 54.51 (+1.34)          Ian McKellen (IMCKE) 25000 35.10 (-1.00)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 5 79.08 (-0.25)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 5 79.08 (-0.25)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 5 36.46 (0.00)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 5 37.51 (-0.25)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 170.87 (-3.02)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 5 35.73 (+0.12)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 5 35.73 (+0.12)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 5 3.31 (+0.12)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 5 3.31 (+0.12)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 5 12.26 (+0.20)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 5 169.61 (-0.50)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 5 169.61 (-0.50)          The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (HTRTC) 10000 24.61 (+0.25)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 25000 83.16 (+0.99)          September 5 (SEPT5) 5000 14.54 (+0.01)          Callum Turner (CTURN) 25000 66.38 (+1.25)          Moana 2 H$130 Put Wed-Sun (MOAN2.PU) 25000 0.94 (+0.10)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 3.55 (+3.40)          The Senior (SENIR) 5 3.55 (+3.40)          FOX: Universal Basic Guys (UNIVBG) 25000 12.31 (+0.43)          Wicked (WICKD) 2681 300.48 (+4.80)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 3.55 (+3.40)          Moana 2 H$130 Put Wed-Sun (MOAN2.PU) 25000 0.94 (+0.10)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.25 (+3.25)          Holliday Grainger (HGRAI) 25000 51.10 (-0.50)          Companion (CMPAN) 10000 29.00 (+0.08)          Brad Pitt (BPITT) 25000 71.86 (-0.24)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 24999 83.16 (+0.99)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.25 (+3.25)          Idris Elba (IELBA) 25000 83.16 (+0.99)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 3.55 (+3.40)          The Batman: Part II (TBAT2) 150000 278.14 (-6.34)          See You When I See You (SYWIS) 149999 4.00 (0.00)          Hey Joe (TUMIA) 150000 0.02 (-0.01)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 1 38.19 (+0.22)          Tow (TOW) 150000 4.93 (-0.03)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 3.55 (+3.40)          Companion (CMPAN) 50 29.00 (+0.08)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 149999 13.25 (+3.25)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 3.55 (+3.40)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 13.25 (+3.25)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 149999 14.21 (+2.20)          Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi (STRW1) 4999 133.91 (-1.83)