Port size - obviously, the bigger the port, the more cash-rich it is and the more attractive lower dROI is as an investment
dROI - this is play the players stuff. High dROI starbonds will move fast, low dROI starbonds will move slowlyl or not at all. My personal cut-off is that stardonds with a dROI lower that 0.10 tend to be ignored by traders, so you can ignore those.
$ gain - this is an exception to the above - if a starbond adjust promises a significant H$ gain - say, H$100K or more - it will attract investors despite a low dROI
date of adjust - same. Starbonds that don't have long to wait before adjust also attract investors. (Every bit helps)
moviestock's future - dROI is usually based on the current price of the moviestock that will trigger the next adjust - but that's just a prediction of where it will end up. If, for example, you think a movie will delist way higher than its current price, it may be worth investing in attached starbonds. Even though they have a low dROI based on current prices, the dROI basedyour expected delist on may make a starbond more attractive.