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Playing & Trading Strategy

If it gets up to 220 I'd say yes that's worth it for a port your size. If it only does 190 then probably not

Posted by: MattW on Apr 25, 20:01 in response to vigus24's post For a cash strapped port like mine....is CAPA3 OW even...

However I think the stock will go up a lot in the first few days, 4-7 days, so it could be worth a short term gain during that period.  Needs to go up about H$3.75 to cover commission in and out though.  So..... I don't know.

My port is half your size and I'm buying it.  Mostly because I enjoy being in on the big weekends, that's why I got into the game in the first place.

For a cash strapped port like mine....is CAPA3 OW even worth it? vigus24 Apr 25, 19:33

If it gets up to 220 I'd say yes that's worth it for a port your size. If it only does 190 then probably not MattW Apr 25, 20:01

It's worth the investment as it will the top mover everyday on the run-up to halt. You just have to pick the direction on a daily basis. DiNar0 Apr 27, 14:17

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