And they seem to be moving in opposite directions the last couple of days. Weird.
As of right now:
.OW 168
Moviestock 435
Multiplier 2.59
I am legend delist multi 2.95
Hobbit 1 delist multi 3.11
Hobbbit 2 delist multi 3.11
TFA deslit multi 3.27
Those are the biggest December openers. Looking at 2005 and 2011 I would expect a slightly better multiplier this year than last year for the same quality/reception, but either way 2.6 is low for any december.
Although to be fair if you think the pent up demand by normal audiences was satisfied last year then the OW could be very inflated by super-fans relative to overall demand levels for the movie, sort of like Civil War having abnormally short legs compared to other superhero movies, especially given how well it was received.