When I tried to classify what makes an active trader for my own thoughts I realised that there are so many people who play the game only monthly or so that make up the bulk of the player base.
There are,as of last night's reset, 5156 traders in the top 10,000 LTD and across the YTD leaderboards who have made more than H$10M so far this year.
This will undoubtedly include some traders with large ports who are retired but will also undoubtedly miss many hundereds (or a few thousand?) traders between 10M and 300M who are chugging along at a pace saticfactory to them. And to these people I say great! We are all glad you're here and keep doing what you're doing
When I started posting PVL stats from the beginning of last year I did look into last trade dates for players and I highlighted a couple of players I thought were inactive. However, I noticed that some poeple would come and play for a few months and then leave for a while, but then come back to say hi from time to time, clean up their Port and try and steer it in the right direction for them.
If I got to make a guess though I would say 8000 (+2000/-500) but that is based on a much more loose definition than logging in every 2 weeks or less...