HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

Ah, I have been contemplating that issue...

Posted by: edzep on May 10, 12:50 in response to PARAXFund's post Is there any update for HSX Now!? I haven't tried...

...the HSX mobile app (Android) that everyone wanted, but never knew existed. I think it's dead. I've been researching, but can't find a way to make an SSL connection without a browser -- or even with a browser, for that matter. This stuff is over my head.

For the record, I wrote the app about 2 1/2 years ago. It worked well, and made mobile trading practical and pleasant. I contacted HSX to ask if there would be no objection to me putting it on the Google Play store. What I got back was sort of an inscrutable warning. Since I was more concerned about being able to use the app myself, I never publicized it -- just made it available to those that might find the link on the Port Monkey and Chimp download pages. I don't know how many people may have used the app. A few of us were users. The rest of HSX were losers. Now, I'm a loser, too. It was a great couple of years, and, the app was one of my greater accomplishments as a hobby programmer. I will miss it.

I do not know why HSX has resisted becoming part of the app ecosystem. It's a mystery. A sad mystery.

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