HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

Invest in StarBonds. Here's how they work

Posted by: Chimpmuck (a.k.a psisson) on Sep 03, 10:54 in response to NeilSite's post I completely understand!

Determining the Estimated Adjust Price (EAP) of a StarBond:

1). Find all movies to which the starbond is attached.

2). Order the attached movies by release date.

3). Determine the next movie(s) to be added to the TAG based on the movie delist date(s).
  a). Wide releases delist after 4 weeks in release. Limited releases delist after 12 weeks in release.
  b). If two or more movies delist on the same day (the next delist date), all of them will be added to the TAG; otherwise the next movie to delist will be added to the TAG.

4). Determine the movies to be dropped from the TAG based on the release date of each movie in the TAG.
  a). Determine the movie with the earliest release date.
  b). If, on the earliest release date, two or more movies share the same release date, movie(s) with the lowest gross will be removed first.

5). Add the new movie(s) to the TAG, and remove movies in excess of 5 from the TAG based on the calculations in step 4.

6). Calculate the gross of each movie in the new TAG.
  a). For movies not yet delisted, use the current or projected price of the stock in place of the gross. Multiply the price by 1 million.
  b). The maximum allowable gross for each movie is 250 million.

7). Divide the total gross of movies in the TAG by a divisor determined by the number of movies in the TAG.
  a). If 5 movies in TAG: divisor = 5
  b). If 4 movies in TAG: divisor = 4
  c). If 3 movies in TAG: divisor = 3
  d). If 2 movies in TAG: divisor = 3
  e). StarBonds do not adjust in price for the first film in TAG, or for films which do not report box office to ERC.

The result is the Estimated Adjust Price.


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Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          The Last Adventures Of Constance (CVERT) 20000 1.19 (0.00)          Taylor Swift (TSWIF) 1 53.14 (0.00)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 20000 69.26 (-1.46)          Wicked Part 2 (WCKD2) 5000 224.86 (+3.83)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 1 2.05 (+0.23)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 30000 2.05 (+0.23)          The Last Adventures Of Constance (CVERT) 20000 1.19 (0.00)          Zorro 2.0 (ZOROR) 50000 0.05 (+0.02)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 149999 13.76 (-0.25)          Days Gone (DAYSG) 20000 11.59 (-0.04)          Days Gone (DAYSG) 20000 11.59 (-0.04)          Flight of the Navigator (FNAVG) 140000 0.04 (+0.01)          Distant (DISTN) 20000 7.23 (-0.05)          Triplets (TRPLT) 140000 0.02 (0.00)          Lilo & Stitch (LILST) 150000 153.52 (+1.52)          Wicked Part 2 (WCKD2) 150000 224.86 (+3.83)          Inversion (NVRSN) 100000 0.09 (+0.02)          Distant (DISTN) 20000 7.23 (-0.05)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          Gears of War (GEARS) 130000 0.18 (0.00)          Elevation (ELVTN) 20000 2.72 (-0.12)          Everest aka Mallory aka The Summ (SUMIT) 50000 0.03 (+0.02)          Portal (PORTL) 140000 0.10 (-0.01)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 10000 210.08 (-2.89)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 3.62 (-0.38)          Kung Fury 2 (KFURY) 140000 0.05 (+0.01)          Heat 2 (HEAT2) 90000 34.42 (-0.04)          Elevation (ELVTN) 20000 2.72 (-0.12)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 30000 2.05 (+0.23)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 10000 35.47 (+2.29)          Flow (FLOW) 120000 4.54 (-0.01)          Honey Don't (HDONT) 1114 10.68 (-0.06)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 100 77.39 (-3.81)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 30000 30.00 (0.00)          Mickey 17 aka Mickey7 (MCKY7) 10000 87.50 (-0.49)          Frozen Hell (FRZNH) 20000 1.68 (-0.01)          Flowervale Street (FLWVS) 89000 56.62 (-0.13)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 25690 30.00 (0.00)          Captain America: Brave New World (CAPA4) 10000 208.32 (-4.75)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 49316 30.00 (0.00)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          The Lord of the Rings: The War o (LOTR4) 2000 57.55 (-0.59)          Marisa Tomei (MTOME) 25000 160.42 (-1.00)          Frozen III (FROZ3) 149000 256.39 (-1.26)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.00 (0.00)          Thunderbolts* (TBOLT) 149000 210.08 (-2.89)          A Winter's Journey (AWNTJ) 150000 3.62 (-0.38)