The producers of these comic book movies are not aiming at a quality-sensitive audience, anyway. The target audience eagerly consumes Slim Jims, Starburst, Red Bull, Taylor Swift songs, and Kardashian-Pewdiepie shows.
We were surprised to see, in general, comic book-derived MovieStocks declining while THOR3 performs well. We also noticed a remarkable concentration of retread superhero movies, heavy on CGI, among the high-priced MovieStocks, and that the stocks seem to trend differently even though they appear to be fungible participants in a single genre.
We believe we see fewer people in the theaters than we recall observing even a few years ago. Finally, we sense that people are increasingly watching and recommending television shows rather than movies.
If someone who understands the issues affecting HSX comic book movie stocks wishes to offer insight, we would welcome the information. Otherwise, we'll try to figure it out independently.
Thanks, everyone. It's good to be back.