With reset trading I usually see stocks move in one direction and stay that way until morning when the day traders choose how they want to play it. They either move a lot during reset period or stall. The only ones I've ever noticed reversing direction during reset period are the stocks that go down to a penny. These are only just observations I've made from playing reset for a few months.
What surprised me the most was how many ticks the 3 stocks went in the reverse direction in a very short amount of time (~10 min(?) but I could be wrong). But also since I noticed the reversal and flipped my position maybe many others are paying attention to their ports at that time more than I thought they did. Usually after 1am pst is a lull period but maybe more players are playing. I would like to think that is the case or limit orders and not anything shady going on, but it was 3 stocks and like you said one without any type of recent news so it makes me wonder as well.
Maybe it was all just a coincidence or some new aspect to be aware of. Maybe reset trading isn't going to be as "safe" as it seemed to be and is just as volatile as day trading
One other thought...could it still be an effect of daylight savings??