HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

haha, agreed

Posted by: magos on Jul 14, 13:24 in response to mike242's post this one nly has one bad thing

i've been searching around trying to find my weekly poll / link click for a chance to win, and they're not there :(

HSX did it AGAIN!!! Persefinee Jul 14, 08:06

im with you although this one sux less than the last attempt eternal warrior Jul 14, 08:41

this one nly has one bad thing mike242 Jul 14, 10:09

haha, agreed magos Jul 14, 13:24

If it's not broke don't fix it... Kingboyd Jul 15, 02:09

It was broken. HSX had been running on 10 year old technology. {nm} Antibody Jul 15, 14:36

Sorry, but the old HSX was NOT broken at all. schelo Jul 15, 17:06

In addition to my last reply schelo Jul 15, 17:10

do you not remember how often the old version went down after delists and such? ndmaster Jul 15, 17:47

HSX goes down as often in the version then in the old ... schelo Jul 16, 02:35

My understanding is that Old HSX was deteriorating. It could not be salvaged. It may have appeared to work but it was due for catastrophic Catzan Jul 16, 12:03

That's about it. A 10 y/o+ Java on Oracle based technology that was out of date & on its last legs. We kept it going, but we had to change. {nm} HSX Support Jul 16, 23:36

Sorry, but you're wrong. HSX had constant crashing issues due to aged technology. Scorpion Jul 16, 10:56

Yeup, that's right. A completely new infrastructure, a completely new code base. Its a system we can work with, perfect and improve. {nm} HSX Support Jul 16, 23:32

Well...you're talking to DMac here!! Flash Jul 16, 20:11

um, actually, it is an improvement! agwendolyn Jul 24, 13:03

Has the Internet changed in the last 10 years? 5 years? 2 years? Flash Jul 15, 16:09

try updating your browser kaiserero Jul 15, 05:04

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