The African-American Fund (AFRAM) is currently the #21 most widely held fund... out of 22... (#22 IPOed earlier this week) Jun 15, 09:12
just bought. Jun 15, 09:25
Hard to Understand. With RazorHawk at the Helm, AFRAM is a Very Good Buy! {nm} Jun 15, 14:37
Some stats! Jun 15, 20:33
KIDS will delist this week and has always been at the bottom. I've never quite figured that one out. {nm} Jun 16, 09:34
Nor have I, the "good" ones are at the bottom. Even the studio funds are listed higher! {nm} Jun 17, 07:35
Look at the bright side: Bigotry should be expensive. Just as I am grateful my children get to compete economically with Jun 17, 07:16