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Playing & Trading Strategy

454 days to hit 1 billion with this portfolio, 455 days to get from 1 to 2 billion.

Posted by: MattW on Jun 22, 10:38

The blue is my weekly gain, the red is the rolling 10 week average.  Even though my port was only 400m in July 2016 I was averaging just as much those weeks as I am so far this summer with a H$2b port, so I guess I've kind of peaked  :/

Also you can see how bad summer 2017 was. 

With my first portfolio I went from H$355m to H$1355m in 377 days up to the end of 2015, much quicker than these last 2 billion runs.  The good ole days.

454 days to hit 1 billion with this portfolio, 455 days to get from 1 to 2 billion. MattW Jun 22, 10:38

Congrats on hitting 2B! {nm} Wrath_crfd Jun 23, 19:36

congrats! {nm} tealfan Jun 23, 20:58

Nice milestone!! High 5!! {nm} Flash Jun 26, 07:30

Congrats on your milestone {nm} Randy Jun 26, 12:50

Thanks {nm} MattW Jun 26, 20:06

Great Work. {nm} cj19 Jun 26, 20:25

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The Christophers (CHRIS) 1 13.87 (0.00)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 33.42 (0.00)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 3 33.42 (0.00)          A Manual for Cleaning Women (AMFCW) 1 0.09 (0.00)          A Manual for Cleaning Women (AMFCW) 1 0.09 (0.00)          Calamity Hustle (CLMTY) 150000 33.20 (-0.10)          Assisted Living (ASLIV) 1 0.51 (0.00)          Assisted Living (ASLIV) 1 0.51 (0.00)          Rainbow Six (RNBW6) 2500 17.50 (-0.02)          Rainbow Six (RNBW6) 150000 17.50 (-0.02)          Ash (ASH) 150000 4.10 (0.00)          Ash (ASH) 3 4.10 (0.00)          Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Ri (RBOYL) 150000 18.18 (-0.10)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 3 15.74 (0.00)          The Dutchman (DTCHM) 20 5.44 (-0.25)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 10000 19.49 (+0.35)          After the Hunt (AFTHU) 3 15.74 (0.00)          10 Lives (10LIV) 150000 5.79 (0.00)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 10000 19.49 (+0.35)          10 Lives (10LIV) 2 5.79 (0.00)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 25000 29.06 (-1.01)          Hell of a Summer (HOSUM) 3 7.33 (-0.01)          Hell of a Summer (HOSUM) 3 7.33 (-0.01)          Friendship (FNSHP) 3 9.82 (-0.01)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 10000 19.49 (+0.35)          Friendship (FNSHP) 3 9.82 (-0.01)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 10000 19.49 (+0.35)          Love Hurts (WOLOV) 10000 19.49 (+0.35)          GOAT (TGOAT) 500 27.58 (-0.91)          Daniela Forever (DANFV) 2 0.45 (-0.01)          GOAT (TGOAT) 7500 27.58 (-0.91)          Daniela Forever (DANFV) 2 0.45 (-0.01)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 50000 29.06 (-1.01)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 3 17.57 (-0.02)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 50000 29.06 (-1.01)          Heart Eyes (HRTEY) 50000 29.06 (-1.01)          Amanda Seyfried (ASEYF) 25000 32.54 (0.00)          Amanda Seyfried (ASEYF) 25000 32.54 (0.00)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 7.24 (-0.01)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 2 7.24 (-0.01)          Avengers: Secret Wars (AVNG6) 10000 403.09 (+1.52)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 3 17.57 (-0.02)          Is This Thing On? (ISTON) 2 17.97 (-0.02)          Night Boat to Tangier (NBTNG) 150000 3.27 (-0.02)          Night Boat to Tangier (NBTNG) 1 3.27 (-0.02)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 3 18.71 (-0.02)          The King of Kings (KOKNG) 3 18.71 (-0.02)          Sorry, Baby (SRYBB) 150000 5.84 (-0.03)          Sorry, Baby (SRYBB) 2 5.84 (-0.03)          Is This Thing On? (ISTON) 150000 17.97 (-0.02)