HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

here is answer to your questions....

Posted by: RazorHawk on Apr 18, 07:33 in response to zaqxswcde's post What do you mean by diff strategies?

You are more than welcome to have more than one port at HSX.

Some players start a new account each year to start from scratch and see how much they can make each year (YTD = year to date) while still keeping their same port.

Some players run HSX funds while still having their own personal port.

HSX only gets concerned if you have more than one port and they buy the same stocks at the same time.Ā  It is possible to cheat and buy a stock in your main port and then buying the same stock in your second port causing the price to move (and give your main port a profit).

If you have two ports and they are buying different stocks then HSX is fine with that but if the trades in your two ports are similar or look like you might be trying to cheat, HSX will notice and contact you about it.

*Note: If you go to "Account Settings" you can reset your port back to 2mill (totally start over) every so often if that is something that interests you.

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F1 aka Untitled Formula One (FORM1) 75000 69.83 (-0.28)          John David Washington (JDWAS) 642 24.28 (0.00)          John David Washington (JDWAS) 1000 24.28 (0.00)          Kraven the Hunter (KRAVN) 149000 75.29 (-1.54)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 50000 82.55 (+7.54)          City on Fire (CTOFR) 1000 16.13 (-0.02)          Blade (BLAD1) 149000 89.23 (-0.94)          The Wrecking Crew (WCREW) 1 24.67 (+0.06)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 30000 167.34 (-3.16)          Y2K (Y2K) 50000 16.57 (-0.04)          NBC: Brilliant Minds (BRLNTM) 12500 13.83 (+0.04)          Flow (FLOW) 100 6.22 (+3.97)          ABC: High Potential (HIPOTN) 12500 11.73 (-0.10)          FOX: Universal Basic Guys (UNIVBG) 12500 11.98 (-0.18)          CBS: NCIS: Origins (NCISOR) 1000 13.48 (+0.21)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.55 (+7.54)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.34 (-3.16)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 149999 8.68 (-0.39)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 149998 8.68 (-0.39)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 6.22 (+3.97)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.34 (-3.16)          Eternity (ETERN) 1 12.46 (-0.15)          Eternity (ETERN) 144000 12.46 (-0.15)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 307.60 (+1.70)          Wicked (WICKD) 149999 307.60 (+1.70)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 12.51 (+0.86)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 149999 12.51 (+0.86)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.34 (-3.16)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 149999 167.34 (-3.16)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.34 (-3.16)          Naked Gun (NKGUN) 149 53.20 (-0.05)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 167.34 (-3.16)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 150000 436.16 (-1.40)          Avatar: Fire and Ash aka Avatar (AVAT3) 150000 436.16 (-1.40)          Daniel Wu (DWU) 25000 25.87 (-0.12)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.00 (0.00)          Tim Burton (TBURT) 25000 100.04 (-0.33)          Florian Zeller (FZELL) 25000 0.92 (+0.08)          Sonequa Martin-Green (SMGRE) 25000 26.12 (0.00)          Lio Tipton (ATIPT) 25000 32.61 (0.00)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 1 36.86 (-0.09)          Sophie Thatcher (STHAT) 25000 21.51 (0.00)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 25000 144.85 (-1.60)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.00 (0.00)          Cleopatra (CLEOP) 150000 36.86 (-0.09)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.00 (0.00)          CBS: NCIS: Origins (NCISOR) 25000 13.48 (+0.21)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 4.67 (+1.10)          The Senior (SENIR) 150000 4.67 (+1.10)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.86 (+1.85)