HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

As your port grows, it will be harder and harder to spend all your cash...

Posted by: Flash on Aug 12, 08:22 in response to MitchC's post Half A Billion Cash, And What To Do With It

But as was mentioned, you should have a lot more stocks than what you have.  You can afford to invest in more movie stocks that are in Concept or Development stages.

Personally, I usually short many Concept and Development stocks - as many of them never get made into movies.  Yes...but if you looked at my port, and have a LOT more stocks that are short and in the "green" than I do with those that I'm long on - MUCH more "red" on the stocks held long... maybe that might be my strategy too - but you may want to consider it?

Be sure you own Funds, and play a lot of the starbond adjusts as well (was also mentioned).

You can find a lot of things to invest in if you consider things - you should be able to spend a lot of what you have if you owned 3,4, 500 stocks.  Be sure you also invest in movies coming out in 1,2,3 years as well...

Happy buying (or shorting).

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Frozen III (FROZ3) 150000 255.08 (+2.43)          Michael Pena (MPENA) 2000 34.03 (-0.01)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Amy Adams (AMADA) 1000 72.07 (-0.26)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          The Thomas Crown Affair (TTCAF) 150000 12.18 (-0.06)          Scoot McNairy (SMCNA) 2000 47.40 (-0.01)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 306.33 (-3.74)          Moana (MOAN1) 77396 174.82 (+0.30)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          The Chosen: The Last Supper - Pa (TCS51) 150000 7.76 (+0.62)          Moana (MOAN1) 103780 174.82 (+0.30)          Moana (MOAN1) 103780 174.82 (+0.30)          Frank Grillo (FGRIL) 3000 44.06 (-0.18)          The Chosen: The Last Supper - Pa (TCS51) 150000 7.76 (+0.62)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 32219 142.48 (+1.53)          Moana 2 H$130 Put Wed-Sun (MOAN2.PU) 25000 0.70 (-0.02)          Toy Story 5 (TOYS5) 150000 301.75 (+1.00)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 32219 142.48 (+1.53)          Alicia Silverstone (ASILV) 1900 18.66 (0.00)          The Hunger Games: Sunrise on the (HGAM6) 150000 123.36 (-0.11)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 150000 3.21 (+0.86)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 80.65 (+1.53)          Inheritance (NHTNC) 150000 3.21 (+0.86)          Jaeden Martell (JALIE) 1000 104.59 (-0.34)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 20000 38.59 (+1.19)          FOX: Murder in a Small Town (MDIAST) 25000 8.06 (+0.20)          Julian Dennison (JDENN) 1000 98.20 (0.00)          FOX: Murder in a Small Town (MDIAST) 25000 8.06 (+0.20)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 67781 142.48 (+1.53)          Paul Bettany (PBETT) 25000 145.21 (-0.64)          Rachel Zegler (RZEGL) 1000 70.53 (+0.51)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 25000 38.34 (+3.56)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 81.87 (+2.11)          Moana 2 H$130 Call Wed-Sun (MOAN2.CA) 25000 7.32 (+0.16)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 74622 142.48 (+1.53)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 32.87 (+3.28)          Maria (MARIA) 150000 1.26 (+0.01)          Liam Neeson (LNEES) 25000 3.29 (-0.12)          Queer (QUEER) 150000 4.00 (+0.03)          Angelina Jolie (AJOLI) 1000 67.64 (-0.01)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 5.07 (-1.32)          Kelly Reilly (KREIL) 25000 11.85 (-0.31)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 5.07 (-1.32)          Rebuilding (RBULD) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Scary Movie 6 (SCAR6) 150000 32.87 (+3.28)          Andy Serkis (ASERK) 25000 125.96 (-33.27)          Luca Guadagnino (LGUAD) 10000 12.88 (-0.04)