But as was mentioned, you should have a lot more stocks than what you have. You can afford to invest in more movie stocks that are in Concept or Development stages.
Personally, I usually short many Concept and Development stocks - as many of them never get made into movies. Yes...but if you looked at my port, and have a LOT more stocks that are short and in the "green" than I do with those that I'm long on - MUCH more "red" on the stocks held long... maybe that might be my strategy too - but you may want to consider it?
Be sure you own Funds, and play a lot of the starbond adjusts as well (was also mentioned).
You can find a lot of things to invest in if you consider things - you should be able to spend a lot of what you have if you owned 3,4, 500 stocks. Be sure you also invest in movies coming out in 1,2,3 years as well...
Happy buying (or shorting).