Take the index of the total value of all stocks, bonds, funds and derivatives, this will give you a huge unpredictable number especially as you choose pairs or thrupels of digits closer to the decimal point.
for sake of an example H$20,987,654,321.23 then digits in the ones, hundreds and thousands places are virtually unpredictable.
Chose any two or three digits as the winning window. For this example I'll chose two digits, ones and hundreds equaling 21. This would be the winning number.
Each person can enter only once per day the day prior to the call for the next lottery. So you could only buy a ticket on Tuesday for the Wednesday lottery. Following the site's time zone.
Sell each as a COVID derivative. you could chose your winning number by either longing or shorting that many dollars. Long and short mean the same thing and you can't actually short the lotto. Any entry outside the -100 to +100 is a forfeit ticket, H$100k directly to the bank, do not pass go no purchase was made just a gift to Antibody's retirement fund. Adjust as necessary for a three digit lotto number.
Each entry costs H$100,000 the winner receives H$1,000,000.
For Friday you choose 23 for your number in the Saturday lotto. you just purchase the COVID derivative and purchase it for 23 and it actually costs H$100K. Saturday you lose and you buy your next ticket for Sunday choosing the same number and spending another H$100K. On Sunday you win and cash out at H$1 Million and then purchase your ticket for the Monday Stimulus Lotto.
Thing is that Antibody can choose to use whichever two or three digits in the total index and then just cash out the winners. It doesn't matter if 50 people win on any one day its just H$ and stimulus at that. It doesn't matter if no one wins on any particular day that's the nature of a lottery.
Just a rough idea . . .