It was clear to me years ago that with all of these HSX leagues & fan sites (e.g., KaiGee) that HSX billionaires belong to, the only way they could build a portfolio that large, maintain it, and increase it, was by:
1) A coordinated effort (e.g., through HSX leagues, etc.) to ALL trade the same way on particular securities, which sounds a lot like blatant market manipulation (and is, with both Oleg_Max and RotoHockey having multiple ports to expedite this process)
2) Spending incredible amounts of time during weekdays, nights, etc.
In other words, while most people have a family or at least a job. HSX billionaires still live in their Mommy's basement are are 50s, balding, fat absolute wastes of life that quite frankly never should have been born.
Because I don't stand in line to worship you when you post your next "milestone" but insead call your bluff, I'm labeled as a troll. Well, you're what I call an "oxygen waster".