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Playing & Trading Strategy

S/B: 16APR21 (15) (98 DAYS) - 24SEP21 (20) (161 DAYS) - 26NOV21 (16) (64 DAYS) - 28JAN22 (20) (64 DAYS) - 29APR22 (18) (92 DAYS). {nm}

Posted by: RotoHockeyYTD2014 on May 27, 21:49 in response to RotoHockeyYTD2014's post S/B: 06DEC19 (15) - 28FEB20 (14) (84 DAYS) - 03JUL20 (15)...

The Lifecycle of a stock Taopuppy May 25, 11:53

nothing happens to your shares between phases...they cash out only at delist (i.e. after 4th or 12th weekend of release) {nm} tealfan May 25, 12:10

even if a movie never gets made, it lives forever on HSX...see PINK2 =P {nm} tealfan May 25, 12:10

Didn't someone ask this same question in the last couple of weeks? {nm} DTravel May 25, 14:00

Yeah. It was probably me. I forget things sometimes. {nm} Taopuppy May 25, 14:29

A Large Group of CONCEPT M/S Bite the Salty Pickle of Pardinky (Dead Delist CashOut at 0.00) roughly every Three (3) Months. {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 25, 15:06

They used to ... it's been quite a while since that's happened with stocks; bonds have occasional bulk pruning, but it's been quite a while project May 25, 20:31

Dead delist cashouf on March 11 https://www.hsx.com/forum/forum.php?id=1&pid=537739 {nm} JDolphin May 26, 01:10

Any StarBond you believe is "overdue" was likely in a film that didn't report box office within the last 3 years. {nm} Antibody May 27, 12:34

M/S: 08NOV19 (20) - 07FEB20 (15) (91 DAYS) - 24JUL20 (21) (168 DAYS) - 04DEC20 (24) (133 DAYS) - 12MAR21 (20) (98 DAYS). {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 27, 21:35

M/S: 27AUG21 (20) (168 DAYS) - 03DEC21 (20) (98 DAYS) - 11MAR22 (16) (98 DAYS). {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 27, 21:38

S/B: 06DEC19 (15) - 28FEB20 (14) (84 DAYS) - 03JUL20 (15) (126 DAYS) - 06NOV20 (20) (126 DAYS) - 08JAN21 (20) (63DAYS). {nm} RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 27, 21:44

S/B: 16APR21 (15) (98 DAYS) - 24SEP21 (20) (161 DAYS) - 26NOV21 (16) (64 DAYS) - 28JAN22 (20) (64 DAYS) - 29APR22 (18) (92 DAYS). RotoHockeyYTD2014 May 27, 21:49

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A Complete Unknown (GOELC) 50000 27.53 (+0.94)          James Bond 26 (JB26) 5000 136.98 (-0.43)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 11.88 (-1.04)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 310.26 (-1.93)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 11.88 (-1.04)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 121.15 (+1.05)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 150000 121.15 (+1.05)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 11.88 (-1.04)          Queer (QUEER) 100000 3.62 (-0.14)          Maria (MARIA) 150000 1.31 (-0.06)          Wicked (WICKD) 50000 310.26 (-1.93)          Maria (MARIA) 150000 1.31 (-0.06)          Tatiana Maslany (TMASL) 25000 28.28 (-0.12)          Moana 2 (MOAN2) 150000 281.27 (-1.00)          Theo James (TJAME) 25000 19.05 (-0.10)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 310.26 (-1.93)          Osgood Perkins (OPERK) 25000 45.52 (+0.16)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          George Lopez (GLOPE) 25000 11.77 (-0.10)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 90 452.62 (+1.25)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.50 (+0.50)          Spider-Man Untitled (SPID9) 9 355.06 (-0.12)          Anora (ANORA) 150000 13.85 (-0.16)          Wicked (WICKD) 150000 310.26 (-1.93)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 11.88 (-1.04)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 9000 82.75 (-1.90)          Red One (REDON) 150000 86.40 (-0.25)          Wicked (WICKD) 100000 310.26 (-1.93)          Moana 2 - Opening Weekend Wed-Su (MOAN2.OW) 10043 140.30 (+0.02)          Bonhoeffer (BNHFR) 150000 11.88 (-1.04)          Moana 2 H$130 Call Wed-Sun (MOAN2.CA) 25000 6.86 (+0.13)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 6.41 (+0.15)          Gundam (GUNDM) 149998 13.95 (+0.45)          Sherlock Holmes 3 (HOLM3) 2 16.48 (+0.79)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 13.37 (-0.81)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 149996 20.38 (+0.01)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 20000 12.79 (-1.15)          See You When I See You (SYWIS) 150000 2.95 (-0.67)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          Marlon Wayans (MWAYA) 25000 25.50 (+0.50)          Ariana Grande (AGRAN) 17777 90.87 (-0.17)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 150000 8.82 (+0.07)          The Wedding Banquet (TWEDB) 149996 8.82 (+0.07)          The Beatles (BEAT1) 150000 82.75 (-1.90)          The Brutalist (BRUTL) 150000 4.59 (-0.05)          Assassination (ASSNT) 150000 14.91 (+1.34)          Assassination (ASSNT) 150000 14.91 (+1.34)